RMECDC's Social Media Launch!
Welcome to the launch of Ridge Meadows ECD Committees brand new website with blog, and Facebook page! Our website address remains the same at www.ridgemeadowsecd.ca. Search for us on Facebook at 'Ridge Meadows Early Childhood Development Committee' and on Twitter, our handle is @RidgeMeadowsECD. Like us and add us...we sincerely appreciate it!
Look on all our social sites for frequent updates and great information that may be useful to you or your child/children.
If you are looking for information for families with children 6 to 12 years of age then please visit the Middle Childhood Matters Standing Committee's brand new website www.ridgemeadowskidsmatter.com !
The MRPMK Community Network also has a brand new site at www.resourceyourcommunity.ca !